Echo livescribe desktop
Echo livescribe desktop

35How to Share Notes and A udio.36Importing Livescribe PDFs.36Managing Storage for Echo Desktop and Your Smartpen.37Freeing Space on Your Smartpen.37Removing Audio from Your Smartpen.37Deleting Audio from Echo Desktop.38Removing a Smartpen from Echo Desktop.38Maintaining Smartpen Content on Multiple Computers.39Archiving Livescribe Notebooks on Windows.40Archiving Livescribe Notebooks. 34Sharing Your Notes and Audio.35Livescribe PDF. 33Adding Custom Notebook P ages.33Reorganizing Custom Notebook P ages.33Deleting a Custom Notebook. 30Printing.31Printing a Single Page.31Printing Your Own Notepads.31Organizing Notes and Audio.33Creating a Custom Notebook. 28Playing Audio Recordings in Audio View.28Page Turning.29Using Audio Controls.29Scrubbing an Audio Recording.30Renaming an Audio Recording in Echo Desktop. 26Searching P ages.26Playing Back Audio.28iiiīrowsing Audio Recordings. 23Viewing Notes.25Viewing Pages.25Viewing Pages Linked to an Audio Recording.25Converting Handwritten Notes to Text.25Copying and Pasting Pages to Other Apps. 15Upgrading Echo Desktop.15Configuring Echo Desktop.16Viewing Notes and Playing Back Audio In Echo Desktop.18Echo Desktop Basics.19Running Echo Desktop.19Echo Desktop Views.20Pencast Keys and Controls.

echo livescribe desktop

14Switching from Windows to Mac.15Uninstalling Echo Desktop. 12Upgrading Livescribe Desktop.12Configuring Echo Desktop.12Getting Started with Echo Desktop (Mac). 9About Echo Desktop.10Getting Started with Echo Desktop (Windows).11System Requirements. 6Contacting Customer Service.7Saving Data for Customer Ser vice.7Returning Livescribe Products.8Items Purchased Directly from Liv escribe.8Items Purchased from a Third Party.8Echo Desktop User Guide. Using any non-authorized charging accessories or inkcartridges may damage the smartpen and v oids the smar tpen warranty.ĬONTENTSAbout This Release.5Getting Help. You accept the terms of theEnd User License Agreement by using any part of the product orsoftware. : Read the End User License Agreement that comes withLivescribe products before using them. COPYRIGHTS AND TRADEMARKSLIVESCRIBE, ECHO, PULSE, and NEVER MISS A WORD are trademarks of Livescribe Inc.All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.

Echo livescribe desktop